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If you continue browsing, or click on the save button on this banner, we understand that you accept the use of cookies on our website. For more information visit our Cookies Policy.", "partners": "Partners", "settings": "Settings", "acceptAll": "Accept all", "rejectAll": "Reject all", "editButton": "Edit" }, "purposeText": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Store and/or access information on a device", "description": "Cookies, device identifiers, or other information can be stored or accessed on your device for the purposes presented to you.", "descriptionLegal": "Vendors can:\n* Store and access information on the device such as cookies and device identifiers presented to a user." }, { "id": 2, "name": "Select basic ads", "description": "Ads can be shown to you based on the content you’re viewing, the app you’re using, your approximate location, or your device type.", "descriptionLegal": "To do basic ad selection vendors can:\n* Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown, to show the ad, including information about the content and the device, such as: device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address\n* Use a user’s non-precise geolocation data\n* Control the frequency of ads shown to a user.\n* Sequence the order in which ads are shown to a user.\n* Prevent an ad from serving in an unsuitable editorial (brand-unsafe) context\nVendors cannot:\n* Create a personalised ads profile using this information for the selection of future ads.\n* N.B. Non-precise means only an approximate location involving at least a radius of 500 meters is permitted." }, { "id": 3, "name": "Create a personalised ads profile", "description": "A profile can be built about you and your interests to show you personalised ads that are relevant to you.", "descriptionLegal": "To create a personalised ads profile vendors can:\n* Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising.\n* Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising." }, { "id": 4, "name": "Select personalised ads", "description": "Personalised ads can be shown to you based on a profile about you.", "descriptionLegal": "To select personalised ads vendors can:\n* Select personalised ads based on a user profile or other historical user data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic information." }, { "id": 5, "name": "Create a personalised content profile", "description": "A profile can be built about you and your interests to show you personalised content that is relevant to you.", "descriptionLegal": "To create a personalised content profile vendors can:\n* Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for personalising content.\n* Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalising content." } ], "specialFeaturesText": [], "adnuntiusPurposesTexts": [], "mappedExternalId": {} }; "use strict"; atm.createPrebidRequest = function (request) { var prebidUnits = []; request.adUnits.forEach(function (adUnit) { var prebidId = atm.prebid.map[adUnit.auId]; if (atm.prebid.mappedUnits[prebidId]) { prebidUnits.push(atm.prebid.mappedUnits[prebidId]); } }); return prebidUnits; }; atm.requestAds = function (request) { if (atm.prebid.aliases.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < atm.prebid.aliases.length; i++) { const element = atm.prebid.aliases[i]; window.pbjs.que.push(function () { pbjs.aliasBidder(element[1], [element[0]]); }); } } if (atm.prebid.map) { if (request.adUnits) { for (let i = 0; i < request.adUnits.length; i++) { var adUnit = request.adUnits[i]; if (adUnit.refresh) { adUnit = atm.ads.setPrebidRefresh(adUnit, request); } } } adn.calls.push(function () { adn.chbRequest(atm.createPrebidRequest(request), request); }); } else { adn.calls.push(function () { adn.request(request); }); } }; atm.request = atm.request || {}; atm.request.adnuntius = function (callback) { adn.calls.push(function () { adn.request({ adUnits: atm.ads.setAdnuntius(atm.adUnits, callback), }); }); }; atm.request.prebid = function (callback) { pbjs.que.push(function () { pbjs.addAdUnits(atm.adUnits); pbjs.requestBids({ ortb2: atm.ortb2, bidsBackHandler: function (data) { if (callback) { callback(data); } else atm.ads.renderPrebidWinners(); }, timeout: 3000 }); }); }; atm.request.refresh = function (auId) { }; adn.requestAds = atm.requestAds; "use strict"; atm.ads.adUnitMeta = atm.ads.adUnitMeta || {}; atm.addAdUnits = function (adUnitList) { atm.utils.merge(atm.adUnits, adUnitList); }; atm.clearAdUnits = function () { atm.adUnits = []; }; atm.removeAdUnitByCodeArray = function (codeArray) { for (let i = 0; i < codeArray.length; i++) { atm.removeAdUnitByCode(codeArray[i]); } }; atm.removeAdUnitByCode = function (code) { for (let i = 0; i < atm.adUnits.length; i++) { if (atm.adUnits[i].code == code) { atm.adUnits.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; atm.addOrtb = function (ortbData) { atm.ortb2 = atm.utils.mergeDeep(atm.ortb2, ortbData); }; atm.addAlias = function (aliasList) { atm.adUnitAliases = atm.adUnitAliases.concat(aliasList); }; atm.prebid.mappedUnits = atm.utils.merge(atm.prebid.mappedUnits, atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.units); atm.prebid.units = atm.utils.merge(atm.prebid.units, atm.utils.flatten(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.units)); atm.prebid.aliases = atm.prebid.aliases.concat(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.aliases); atm.prebid.map = atm.utils.merge(atm.prebid.map, atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.map); atm.ads.onCallDone = function (matched, callback) { atm.removeAdUnitByCodeArray(matched); if (callback) callback(); }; atm.ads.renderPrebidWinners = function () { var bids = pbjs.getHighestCpmBids(); var output = []; for (var i = 0; i < bids.length; i++) { var b = bids[i]; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.id = b.adId; iframe.width = b.width; iframe.height = b.height; iframe.frameBorder = 'no'; var target = document.getElementById(b.adUnitCode); target.style.display = 'block'; output.push({ 'adunit': b.adUnitCode, 'adId': b.adId, 'bidder': b.bidder, 'time': b.timeToRespond, 'cpm': b.cpm }); var tag = { adServerDomain: "", pubUrl: window.location.href, targetingMap: {}, hbPb: "adnuntius", adId: b.adId }; target.appendChild(iframe); ucTag.renderAd(iframe.contentWindow.document, tag); } if (output.length) { if (console.table) { console.table(output); } else { for (var j = 0; j < output.length; j++) { console.log(output[j]); } } } else { console.warn('No prebid winners'); } }; atm.ads.setAdnuntius = function (adUnits, callback) { var mappedAliases = {}; var adnAdUnitArray = []; var matchedAds = []; var totalAds = []; var removefromTotal = function (adUnit) { var position = totalAds.indexOf(adUnit.targetId); totalAds.splice(position, 1); if (totalAds.length == 0) { atm.ads.onCallDone(matchedAds, callback); } }; atm.adUnitAliases.forEach(function (aliasItem) { mappedAliases[aliasItem.alias] = aliasItem.bidder; }); adUnits.forEach((adUnit) => { totalAds.push(adUnit.code); adUnit.bids.forEach(function (bid) { if (bid.bidder == "adnuntius" || mappedAliases[bid.bidder] == "adnuntius") { var adnAdunit = { auId: bid.params.auId, targetId: adUnit.code, onNoMatchedAds: function (data) { removefromTotal(data); }, onImpressionResponse: function (data) { matchedAds.push(data.targetId); removefromTotal(data); }, }; if (adUnit.mediaTypes && adUnit.mediaTypes.banner && adUnit.mediaTypes.banner.sizes) adnAdunit.dimensions = adUnit.mediaTypes.banner.sizes; if (bid.params.targeting) { console.log(bid.params.targeting); } adnAdUnitArray.push(adnAdunit); } }); }); return adnAdUnitArray; }; atm.ads.setInterval = function (auId, request) { if (!atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval) { atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval = setInterval(function () { if (atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.count != 0) { adn.calls.push(function () { adn.chbRequest(atm.createPrebidRequest(request), request); }); atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.count--; } else { clearInterval(atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].interval); } }, atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh.delay * 1000); } }; atm.ads.setPrebidRefresh = function (adUnit, request) { var singleAdUnitRequest = Object.assign({}, request); delete singleAdUnitRequest.headerBids; var targetId = (adUnit.targetId) ? ':' + adUnit.targetId : ''; var auId = adUnit.auId + targetId; var refresh = adUnit.refresh; if (refresh.count) refresh.count = refresh.count || 999; else { refresh = { delay: adUnit.refresh, count: 999, }; } var event = refresh.event || 'onViewable'; if (event != 'onViewable' && event != "onVisible") throw new Error('refresh event needs to be "onViewable" or "onVisible"'); delete adUnit.refresh; adUnit.clearTarget = true; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId] = atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId] || {}; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refresh = refresh; atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refreshFunction = function () { singleAdUnitRequest.adUnits = [adUnit]; atm.ads.setInterval(auId, singleAdUnitRequest); }; adUnit[event] = atm.ads.adUnitMeta[auId].refreshFunction; return adUnit; }; "use strict"; atm.addListener = function (name, callback) { if (atm.eventList.indexOf(name) == -1) { atm.eventList.push(name); atm.events[name] = new CustomEvent(name, { bubbles: true }); } document.addEventListener(name, function () { if (callback) callback(atm.transitData); }); }; atm.dispatch = function (name, data) { atm.debug(name, data); atm.transitData = data; document.dispatchEvent(atm.events[name]); }; "use strict"; atm.containerFunctions[CONTAINER_ID].javascript = function (data) { var triggerOnLoad = data.onLoad ? function () { atm.addListener("script." + [data.id]); atm.dispatch("script." + [data.id]); } : false; atm.utils.addScript(data.url, false, triggerOnLoad); }; atm.addListener("pageview.WiEbuew5P", function(eventData){ if( (true) ) atm.utils.runTags('WiEbuew5P', ["lO43V6vnl"]) }); "use strict"; atm.consent = { host: (window.location.hostname == 'http://localhost') ? "http://localhost:4001/staging" : 'https://consent.adnuntius.com/v2', checkIfAllTrue: function () { var checked = []; atm.utils.forEachClass('adn-switch', function (el) { checked.push(el.checked); }); return checked.every(function (value) { return value == true; }); }, setAll: function (value, scope) { atm.debug('consent', 'Set all: ' + value + ' ' + scope || ''); var valueSet = { adnuntiusPurposes: (value) ? atm.privacy.availablePurposes.adnuntiusPurposes : [], purposes: (value) ? atm.privacy.availablePurposes.tcfPurposes : [], vendors: (value) ? ['all'] : [], legIntPurposes: (value) ? ['all'] : [], specialFeatures: (value) ? atm.privacy.availablePurposes.tcfSpecialFeatures : [], }; if (!scope) { if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.adnuntius) { atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes = valueSet.adnuntiusPurposes; } if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) { atm.browser.consent.purposes = valueSet.purposes; atm.browser.consent.specialFeatures = valueSet.specialFeatures; atm.browser.consent.vendors = valueSet.vendors; atm.browser.consent.legIntPurposes = valueSet.legIntPurposes; } } else { atm.browser.consent[scope] = valueSet[scope]; } atm.utils.forEachClass('adn-switch', function (el) { if (!el.disabled) el.checked = value; }); return this; }, save: function () { atm.browser.consent.time = new Date().getTime(); atm.browser.consent.created = atm.browser.consent.created || Math.round(Date.UTC(new Date().getUTCFullYear(), new Date().getUTCMonth(), new Date().getUTCDate()) / 100); atm.browser.consent.given = true; atm.browser.consent.adnConsents = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts.length; i++) { var purpose = atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts[i]; if (purpose.forced && atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes.indexOf(purpose.id) == -1) { atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes.push(purpose.id); atm.browser.consent.namedConsent = atm.browser.consent.namedConsent || []; if (!atm.browser.consent.namedConsent.indexOf(atm.privacy.mappedExternalId[purpose.id]) == -1) { atm.browser.consent.namedConsent.push(atm.privacy.mappedExternalId[purpose.id]); } } if (atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes.indexOf(purpose.id) != -1) { if (purpose.adnuntiusPurpose != '') atm.browser.consent.adnConsents.push(purpose.adnuntiusPurpose); } } atm.utils.remove('adn-overlay'); atm.utils.remove('adn-message'); localStorage.setItem('adn-consent', JSON.stringify(atm.browser.consent)); if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) { var ajax = atm.utils.newAjax("POST", atm.consent.host, function () { if (ajax.readyState && ajax.readyState !== 4) { return false; } if (!ajax.status || ajax.status === 200) { var response = JSON.parse(ajax.response); if (response.token) { var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = "euconsent-v2=" + response.token + "; path=/; " + expires; atm.browser.consent.tc = response.token; localStorage.setItem('adn-consent', JSON.stringify(atm.browser.consent)); } } }); ajax.send(JSON.stringify(atm.browser.consent)); } if (atm.browser.consent.adnConsents && atm.browser.consent.adnConsents.length > 0) { win.localStorage.setItem('atm.consent', JSON.stringify(atm.browser.consent.adnConsents)); } if (atm.callbacks && atm.callbacks.consentSave) { atm.callbacks.consentSave(atm.browser.consent); } atm.debug('consent', 'Saved', atm.browser.consent); if (atm.GLOBALS.haltTriggers) { atm.GLOBALS.haltTriggers = false; atm.utils.runTags(CONTAINER_ID, atm.haltedTags); } return this; }, getConsent: function () { return atm.browser.consent; }, saveAll: function (value) { this.setAll(value); this.save(); }, checkConsent: function (consents) { var consented = true; for (var i = 0; i < consents.length; i++) { var consent = consents[i]; if (atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes.indexOf(consent) == -1) consented = false; } return consented; }, update: function (scope, id, value) { if ((scope == 'vendors' && atm.browser.consent.vendors[0] == 'all') || (scope == 'legIntPurposes' && atm.browser.consent.legIntPurposes[0] == 'all')) { atm.browser.consent[scope] = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy[scope].length; i++) { var vendor = atm.privacy[scope][i]; if (vendor.id && vendor.id != id) atm.browser.consent[scope].push(vendor.id); } } var currentId = (isNaN(Number(id))) ? id : Number(id); if (value == false) { var index = atm.browser.consent[scope].indexOf(currentId); if (index > -1) { atm.browser.consent[scope].splice(index, 1); } } else { atm.browser.consent[scope].push(currentId); } var checkAllElement = document.getElementById('adn-purposes-all'); if (checkAllElement) checkAllElement.checked = atm.consent.checkIfAllTrue(); }, fetchVendorList: function (fn) { // Might have to check TCF var ajax = atm.utils.newAjax("GET", "https://t.atmng.io/consent/vendorlist.json", function () { if (ajax.readyState && ajax.readyState !== 4) { return false; } if (!ajax.status || ajax.status === 200) { fn(JSON.parse(ajax.response)); } }); ajax.send(); }, init: function (type, forced) { if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) atm.consent.fetchVendorList(function (vendorList) { atm.privacy.vendorList = vendorList; var vendors = Object.keys(atm.privacy.vendorList.vendors).map(function (e) { return atm.privacy.vendorList.vendors[e]; }); atm.privacy.vendors = vendors; atm.privacy.legIntPurposes = atm.privacy.vendors.filter(function (vendor) { return vendor.legIntPurposes.length > 0; }); }); var mismatch = false; var defaultConsent = (atm.privacy.purposeText.length > 0) ? atm.privacy.purposeText : (atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts.length > 0) ? atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts : (atm.privacy.specialFeaturesText.lenght > 0) ? atm.privacy.specialFeaturesText : []; if (defaultConsent.length > 0) { var userConsent = atm.browser.consent.purposes; for (var i = 0; i < defaultConsent.length; i++) { var category = defaultConsent[i]; if (userConsent.indexOf(category) == -1) mismatch = true; } if (defaultConsent.length != userConsent.length) mismatch = true; if ((!atm.browser.consent.given || forced || mismatch) && !document.getElementById('adn-overlay')) { if (type == 'overlay') { atm.consent.render['settings']('adn-overlay', 'overlay'); } if (type == 'settings') { atm.consent.render['settings']('adn-overlay', 'settings'); } if (type == 'messageBox') { atm.consent.render.messageBox(); } } } }, render: { text: function (userConsent, text, scope) { var extraInfo = text.descriptionLegal || text.info; var purposeText = '
' + '

' + text.description + '

'; purposeText += (extraInfo) ? '' + '
' + '

' + extraInfo.replace(/\*/g, '
*') + '

' + '
' : ''; purposeText += '
'; return atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.listItem, { itemId: text.id, purposeTitle: text.name, purposeText: purposeText, listType: scope, checked: (userConsent.indexOf(text.id) > -1 || text.forced) ? 'checked' : '', forced: (text.forced) ? 'disabled' : '' }); }, purposes: function () { var userConsent = atm.browser.consent.purposes || []; var purposes = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy.purposeText.length; i++) { var purpose = atm.privacy.purposeText[i]; purposes.push(atm.consent.render.text(userConsent, purpose, 'purposes')); } return purposes.join(''); }, specialFeatures: function () { var userConsent = atm.browser.consent.specialFeatures || []; var specialFeatures = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy.specialFeaturesText.length; i++) { var purpose = atm.privacy.specialFeaturesText[i]; specialFeatures.push(atm.consent.render.text(userConsent, purpose, 'specialFeatures')); } return specialFeatures.join(''); }, adnuntiusPurposes: function () { var userConsent = atm.browser.consent.adnuntiusPurposes || []; var purposes = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts.length; i++) { var purpose = atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts[i]; purposes.push(atm.consent.render.text(userConsent, purpose, 'adnuntiusPurposes')); } return purposes.join(''); }, settings: function (target, type) { atm.utils.remove('adn-message'); if (!doc.getElementById('adn-overlay')) atm.consent.render.overlay(); var title, text = ''; if (type == 'settings') { title = '' + atm.privacy.texts.settings + ''; text = ''; } else { title = '

' + atm.privacy.texts.title + '

'; text = '

' + atm.privacy.texts.message + '

'; } var tcfButtons = (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) ? '' + '' : ''; atm.utils.addContent(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.settings, { title: title, text: text, save: atm.privacy.texts.save, adnuntiusPurposes: (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.adnuntius) ? atm.consent.render.adnuntiusPurposes : '', purposesList: (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) ? atm.consent.render.purposes : '', specialFeaturesList: (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.tcf) ? atm.consent.render.specialFeatures : '', partners: atm.privacy.texts.partners, acceptAll: atm.privacy.texts.acceptAll, rejectAll: atm.privacy.texts.rejectAll, tcfButtons: tcfButtons }), target || false); var checkAllElement = document.getElementById('adn-purposes-all'); if (checkAllElement) checkAllElement.checked = atm.consent.checkIfAllTrue(); }, overlay: function (target) { atm.utils.addContent(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.overlay, {}), target || false); }, messageBox: function () { return atm.utils.addContent(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.messageBox, { title: atm.privacy.texts.title, text: atm.privacy.texts.message, settings: atm.privacy.texts.settings, accept: atm.privacy.texts.accept, })); }, vendorList: function (target, type) { var userConsent = atm.browser.consent[type]; var checked = (atm.browser.consent[type][0] == 'all') ? true : false; var vendors = []; for (var i = 0; i < atm.privacy[type].length; i++) { var vendor = atm.privacy[type][i]; var presentText = ''; var featureText = ''; var information = (type == "vendors") ? 'purposes' : 'legIntPurposes'; for (var j = 0; j < vendor[information].length; j++) { var infoNumber = vendor[information][j]; var purposeItem = atm.privacy.vendorList.purposes[infoNumber]; presentText += '

' + purposeItem.name + '

'; presentText += '

' + purposeItem.description + '

'; } for (var j = 0; j < vendor.features.length; j++) { var feature = vendor.features[j]; var featureItem = atm.privacy.vendorList.features[feature]; featureText += '

' + featureItem.name + '

'; featureText += '

' + featureItem.description + '

'; } var vendorText = '
' + '' + '
' + '' + vendor.policyUrl + '' + '


' + presentText + '


' + featureText + '
' + '
'; vendors.push(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.listItem, { purposeTitle: vendor.name, purposeText: vendorText, itemId: vendor.id, listType: type, checked: (checked || userConsent.indexOf(vendor.id) > -1) ? 'checked' : '', forced: '' })); } return atm.utils.addContent(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.vendorList, { title: atm.privacy.texts.partners, acceptAll: atm.privacy.texts.acceptAll, rejectAll: atm.privacy.texts.rejectAll, list: vendors.join(''), listType: type, save: atm.privacy.texts.save, back: atm.privacy.texts.back, }), target || false); }, editButton: function (target) { atm.utils.addContent(atm.utils.replaceTags(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].templates.editButton, { title: atm.privacy.texts.editButton, }), target || false); }, } }; if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp != false && !atm.browser.consent.given) { atm.GLOBALS.haltTriggers = true; atm.GLOBALS.forcedPurposes = []; atm.privacy.adnuntiusPurposesTexts.forEach(function (purpose) { if (purpose.forced) atm.GLOBALS.forcedPurposes.push(purpose.id); }); } if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp && atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.enabled) { if (!atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.removeDefaultCss) atm.utils.addCss('https://t.atmng.io/consent/default.css'); if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.addCss) atm.utils.addCssString(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.css); } if (!atm.GLOBALS.setPageload) { atm.GLOBALS.setPageload = true; window.addEventListener('load', function () { // atm.event.push({ 'browser': { 'state': 'pageloaded' } }); if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp && atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.enabled) { if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.editButton) atm.consent.render.editButton(); } if (atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.pageviewTrigger) { if ((atm.consent && !atm.browser.consent.given) || (atm.browser.consent.given && atm.consent && atm.browser.consent.timeSinceConsent && atm.browser.consent.timeSinceConsent > atm.consent.reloadTime)) { atm.consent.init(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].cmp.layout); } } }); } atm.utils.addScript("https://cdn.adnuntius.com/adn.js",false,false,{async:true}); if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid){ if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config && atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config.custom){ try { new Function(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.config.custom)(); } catch (e) { atm.log('error', 'Custom prebid script malformed: ' + e.message, 'Custom Prebid') } } if(atm.containers[CONTAINER_ID].prebid.loadPrebidJs){atm.utils.addScript("https://tags.adnuntius.com/pb/prebid.js")} } "use strict"; (function () { var executeQueue = function () { try { var queItem; while (queItem = atm.queue.shift()) { if (typeof queItem == 'function') queItem(); } } catch (e) { atm.log('error', e, 'queue handler'); } }; win.setTimeout(executeQueue, 25); atm.queue.push = function () { Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments); win.setTimeout(executeQueue, 1); return this.length; }; executeQueue(); })(); window.addEventListener('load', function (event) { if( atm.eventList.indexOf('pageload.' + CONTAINER_ID) != -1){ atm.dispatch('pageload.' + CONTAINER_ID) } }); if (atm.eventList.indexOf('pageview.' + CONTAINER_ID) > -1) atm.dispatch('pageview.' + CONTAINER_ID); })(atm, adn, document, window); } catch (e) { console.log('error', e); }